恐艾干预心理>> 疑病干预>> 恐惧干预>>恐艾也会引起让人发怵的“医生恐惧症”


作者:yaning     来源:中国日报网英语点津    发布时间:2016年07月01日    点击数:


People have a fear of doctors for a variety of reasons. You may fear hearing "bad news" from the doctor. You may regularly experience a rise in blood pressure on visiting the doctor. You may be afraid of needles and the sight of blood. 


Iatrophobia is a fear of going to the doctor. Fear of doctors or iatrophobia can ruin the quality of your life. Some of the common symptoms of this phobic condition include rapid breathing, sweating, feeling of dread, shortness of breath, nausea and irregular heartbeat. 


Iatrophobia may occur due to a traumatic experience of childhood. As a child, you may have seen people suffering from pain after an operation or injection. “医生恐惧症”有可能源于童年的创伤经历。幼年时期 ,你也许见过人们在手术或注射针剂后疼痛的样子。但是大部分恐友却是因为恐艾以后对医生的恐惧不断增加。

Some do not like visiting hospitals because of the pungent smell of medicine. 也有人不想去医院是因为不喜欢药品的刺激性气味。

What can you do to alleviate your condition of doctor phobia? 

You can participate in some effective biological classes. This will help you understand your physiological condition and also what the doctors have got to say about you. 

You must try to interact more with your doctor. This is surely going to make things simpler for you.

Your doctor is surely not your enemy. He is there to make you feel more relaxed and comfortable. Therefore, do not try to make things worse by not going to the doctor when you should. 